polygons to triangles

this might be a little offtopic:

how can I convert a N-Vertex polygon to a triangle list?

I tried to iterate the different vertices of te polygon, and generate triangles like this:

Triangle Vertex0 - Polygon Vertex 0
Triangle Vertex1 - Polygon Vertex N+1
Triangle Vertex2 - Polygon Vertex N+2

But a lot of times it just makes a mess, with a lot of garbage triangles, so I figure I have something missing.

so, which is the correct algorythm?

thanks in advance

The easiest thing to do is make a triangle fan.
triangle 0 vert 0 = polygon vert 0
traingle 0 vert 1 = polygon vert 1
triangle 0 vert 2 = polygon vert 2
triangle 1 vert 0 = polygon vert 0
triangle 1 vert 1 = polygon vert 2
triangle 1 vert 2 = polygon vert 3
triangle 2 vert 0 = polygon vert 0
triangle 2 vert 1 = polygon vert 3
triangle 2 vert 2 = polygon vert 4


this is exactly what I’m doing…

I’m trying to convert polygons to triangles, in collada documents exported with the 3dsmax plugin… it is possible that the 3dsmax plugin exports polygons incorrectly? (still experimental…)

thanks in advance

are you taking into account the input elements correctly?

be careful to use the right offsets, and remember that the number of inputs is not neccessarily the highest offset since multiple inputs can share the same offset/index.
