Trouble compiling ColladaMaya for Mac OS X

I’m trying to compile ColladaMaya for Maya 6.5 using Xcode 2.4 on OS X 10.4.7. I installed Cg 1.5 beta 2. Any suggestions would be appreciated, or if someone knows where I can find binaries for OS X.

Here are the errors I get when I build using the Xcode project:

CAnimationHelper.h:19: error: syntax error before ;' token CAnimationHelper.h:24: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration ofFloatList’ with no type
CAnimationHelper.h:24: error: parse error before ;' token CAnimationHelper.h:36: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFCDAnimationCurveList’
CAnimationHelper.h:36: error: parse error before &' token CAnimationHelper.h:54: warning: ISO C++ forbids declaration ofFUDaeInfinity’ with no type
CAnimationHelper.h:54: error: parse error before ::' token CAnimationHelper.h:55: error:FUDaeInfinity’ was not declared in this scope
CAnimationHelper.h:55: error: parse error before ::' token CShaderHelper.h:20: error: syntax error before;’ token
CShaderHelper.h:54: error: parse error before &' token DaeAnimationLibrary.h:21: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeAnimationLibrary.h:22: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeAnimationLibrary.h:23: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeAnimationLibrary.h:29: error: ‘int32’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeAnimationLibrary.h:31: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeAnimationLibrary.h:41: error: parse error before&’ token
DaeAnimationLibrary.h:41: error: type specifier omitted for parameter FCDAnimationCurveList' DaeAnimationLibrary.h:49: error: parse error before&’ token
DaeAnimationLibrary.h:49: error: type specifier omitted for parameter FCDAnimatedList' DaeAnimationLibrary.h:50: error:void DaeAnimationLibrary::AddPlugArrayAnimation(…)’ and void DaeAnimationLibrary::AddPlugArrayAnimation(...)' cannot be overloaded DaeAnimationLibrary.h:50: error: parse error before&’ token
DaeAnimationLibrary.h:50: error: type specifier omitted for parameter FCDAnimatedList' DaeAnimationLibrary.h:67: error: 'DaeAnimationDrivenList' is used as a type, but is not defined as a type. DaeAnimationLibrary.h:69: error: 'DaeAnimatedElementList' is used as a type, but is not defined as a type. DaeAnimationTypes.h:45: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeCameraLibrary.h:16: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeCameraLibrary.h:17: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeControllerLibrary.h:23: error: ‘FMMatrix44List’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeControllerLibrary.h:27: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeControllerLibrary.h:35: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeControllerLibrary.h:81: error: ‘DaeControllerList’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeControllerLibrary.h:82: error: ‘DaeControllerList’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeControllerLibrary.h:83: error: ‘DaeControllerInstanceList’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeEntityManager.h:13: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeEntityManager.h:14: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeEntityManager.h:26: error: entities' undeclared (first use this function) DaeEntityManager.h:27: error: parse error before;’ token
DaeEntityManager.h:35: error: ‘DaeEntityList’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeGeometryLibrary.h:22: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeGeometryLibrary.h:79: error: 'DaeGeometryList' is used as a type, but is not defined as a type. DaeLightLibrary.h:16: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:12: FUtils/FUDaeEnum.h: No such file or directory
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:28: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeMaterialLibrary.h:29: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:61: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeMaterialLibrary.h:62: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:63: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeMaterialLibrary.h:63: error:string’ was not declared in this scope
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:96: error: parse error before ::' token DaeMaterialLibrary.h:96: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFUDaeTextureChannel’
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:106: error: ‘ShaderMaterialMap’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:107: error: ‘MaterialMap’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:108: error: ‘TextureMap’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaeMaterialLibrary.h:110: error: parse error before &' token DaeMaterialLibrary.h:110: error: type specifier omitted for parameterstring’
DaePhysicsMaterialLibrary.h:15: error: DAE_LIBRARY_PMATERIAL_ELEMENT' undeclared (first use this function) DaePhysicsMaterialLibrary.h:16: error:DAE_PHYSICS_MATERIAL_ELEMENT’ undeclared (first use this function)
DaePhysicsModelLibrary.h:10: FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h: No such file or directory
DaePhysicsModelLibrary.h:11: FCDocument/FCDPhysicsRigidBody.h: No such file or directory
DaePhysicsModelLibrary.h:12: FCDocument/FCDPhysicsRigidConstraint.h: No such file or directory
DaePhysicsModelLibrary.h:20: error: DAE_LIBRARY_PMODEL_ELEMENT' undeclared (first use this function) DaePhysicsModelLibrary.h:21: error:DAE_PHYSICS_MODEL_ELEMENT’ undeclared (first use this function)
DaePhysicsScene.h:24: error: syntax error before ;' token DaePhysicsScene.h:25: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaePhysicsScene.h:78: error: ‘DagPathRigidBodyMap’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
DaePhysicsScene.h:132: error: FCDTransformContainer' was not declared in this scope DaePhysicsScene.h:132: error:transforms’ was not declared in this scope
DaePhysicsScene.h:132: error: parse error before &' token DaePhysicsScene.h:133: error:void DaePhysicsScene::addTranslateRotates(…)’ and void DaePhysicsScene::addTranslateRotates(...)' cannot be overloaded DaePhysicsScene.h:133: error: parse error before&’ token
DaePhysicsScene.h:133: error: transforms' was not declared in this scope DaePhysicsScene.h:133: error:FCDTransformContainer’ was not declared in this scope
DaePhysicsSceneLibrary.h:15: error: DAE_LIBRARY_PSCENE_ELEMENT' undeclared (first use this function) DaePhysicsSceneLibrary.h:16: error:DAE_PHYSICS_SCENE_ELEMENT’ undeclared (first use this function)
DaeSceneGraph.h:19: error: syntax error before ;' token DaeSceneGraph.h:59: error: 'DaeEntityList' is used as a type, but is not defined as a type. DaeTextureLibrary.h:15: error: syntax error before;’ token
DaeTextureLibrary.h:41: error: ‘NameImageMap’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
HIAnimCache.h:39: error: ‘FloatList’ is used as a type, but is not defined as a type.
HIAnimCache.h:75: error: type specifier omitted for parameter FloatList' HIAnimCache.h:75: error: parse error before*’ token
MayaConvert.h:13: FUtils/FUDaeEnum.h: No such file or directory
MayaConvert.h:18: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:18: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFloatList’
MayaConvert.h:19: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:19: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFloatList’
MayaConvert.h:20: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:20: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFloatList’
MayaConvert.h:21: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:21: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFloatList’
MayaConvert.h:22: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:22: error: type specifier omitted for parameterFloatList’
MayaConvert.h:23: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:24: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:25: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:26: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:27: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:28: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:29: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:31: error: syntax error before(’ token
MayaConvert.h:32: error: syntax error before (' token MayaConvert.h:33: error: syntax error before(’ token
MayaConvert.h:34: error: syntax error before (' token MayaConvert.h:35: error: syntax error before(’ token
MayaConvert.h:37: error: syntax error before (' token MayaConvert.h:39: error: parse error before::’ token
MayaConvert.h:39: error: FUDaeInterpolation' was not declared in this scope MayaConvert.h:41: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:41: MColor ToMColor(...)' previously defined here MayaConvert.h:41: error:p’ undeclared (first use this function)
MayaConvert.h:41: MColor ToMColor(...)' previously defined here MayaConvert.h:42: error: redefinition ofMColor ToMColor(…)’
MayaConvert.h:42: error: redefinition of MColor ToMColor(...)' MayaConvert.h:42: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:43: error: parse error before &' token MayaConvert.h:44: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:50: error: parse error before }' token MayaConvert.h:56: error: parse error before&’ token
MayaConvert.h:56: error: MString operator+(...)' must have an argument of class or enumerated type MayaConvert.h:56: error:MString operator+(…)’ must take either one or two arguments
StdAfx.h:58: FCollada.h: No such file or directory
StdAfx.h:78: FUtils/FUDaeSyntax.h: No such file or directory