loading problem in Maya 7.0

// Error: Unable to dynamically load : C:/Program Files/Alias/Maya7.0/bin/plug-ins/COLLADA.mll
The specified module could not be found.
// Error: The operation completed successfully.
// Error: The operation completed successfully.

Those lines appeared for the first time in my script editor yesterday. The disappointing fact is that I used the COLLADA 2.04 a whole day without any problem. And now I can’t either use the 2.03, which worked well a few days ago… the latest version of the Collada plug-in I can use is the 2.02. I’ve noticed this one don’t have an automatic installer, so I tried to install 2.03 and 2.04 with the “.bat” command, but it didn’t worked better.

Does anyone know anything about a solution?

You may want to try Feeling Software’s forums. Feeling Software is responsible for the Collada plugins for Maya.

ok thanks.