animation with rotate


I have an animation on angle X.
The want to change the output XYZ et angle.
Is it possible ?
I see no contra indication in the specification or in the collada book.
But colla_rt_viewer take only angles and doesn’t take the xyz parameters

The description of the animation is :
<animation id=“rotateX”>
<source id=“rotateX-input”>
<float_array id=“rotateX-input-array” count=“4”>0 1 2 3</float_array>
<accessor source="#rotateX-input-array" count=“4” stride=“1”>
<param name=“TIME” type=“float”/>
<source id=“rotateX-output”>
<float_array id=“rotateX-output-array” count=“16”>
50 150 300 360 100 100 100 180
150 150 150 270 200 200 200 360
<accessor source="#rotateX-output-array" count=“4” stride=“4”>
<param name=“X” type=“float”/>
<param name=“Y” type=“float”/>
<param name=“Z” type=“float”/>
<param name=“ANGLE” type=“float”/>
<sampler id=“rotateX-sampler” >
<input semantic=“INPUT” source="#rotateX-input"/>
<input semantic=“OUTPUT” source="#rotateX-output"/>
<channel source="#rotateX-sampler" target=“Box/rotateX.ANGLE”/>


Most likely this was not implemented in COLLADA RT.
Feel free to contribute to the project :slight_smile:

– Remi