Unable to build Collade Dom

I’m a new programmer and this is probably a stupid question, but I am having a problem with compiling Collada Dom. I’m using MSVS 2008 and the first three projects build fine, but when it gets to the last one (viewer) I get 215 LNK2019/LNK2001 errors. I’ve spent the last few hours trying to make sure all my libraries were linked correctly and haven’t been able to solve the problem.

The full error log can be found here.

I did some searching and found some others with similar problems, but none of those topics seemed to fix whatever the problem is I’m having.

The viewer need to link with many different librarys.
The error message said it could not find these libraries.
and probably more…
There could be many reasons why it couldn’t find these libraries.
check “Additional Dependencies” under Project Propterty->Linker->Input
and “Additional Library Directories” under Project Propterty->Linker->General.
Just make sure the compiler find these library above in the viewer application.
