OpenGL for 2D

I’m doing a 2D graphics project for a class. Is
it reasonable to use OpenGL? I’ve got it working
OK for drawing, but I need an inverse transform
(viewport to worldspace). This is indeterminate
in a 3D-2D projection, is there some way around


Yes there is, use glOrtho projection, with it you can set the projection to match the window coordinates, or use some custom coordinate grid.

Exactly, you have complete control over the projection matrix and the viewport.

If you draw primitives on an x y plane where z is constant this can work even with a glFrustum call made to set up the projection.

If you go drawing 3D stuff and expect to infer the position from a 2D screen then the solution is not actually indeterminate, is a 3D solution i.e. a point in teh screen defines a world space vector from the eye and a rectangle on the screen is a frustum.

Doing basic 2D is very straightforward, you have all the tools for this in OpenGL.

OpenGL is really good for 2D vector graphic. You can see the results that i have achieved with my engine here: .
Then, if you are interested, you can learn more here: