rotating around an arbitary axis

I have an object that I want to rotate first 30 degree around the X axis. I want to then rotate it around the Y axis. But i want to rotate it around the Y axis that is vertical to the camera, not the real Y axis (which rotated when i rotated around the X axis the first time). How do I rotate around the Y axis that I want ?


Would look something like this:

glRotatef( 30,1, 0,0); X-rotation
glRotatef( y_angle , 0, 1, 0); Y-rotation
glTranslatef( 0, y_axis_offset, 0); Offset Y axis

Originally posted by line:
[b]I have an object that I want to rotate first 30 degree around the X axis. I want to then rotate it around the Y axis. But i want to rotate it around the Y axis that is vertical to the camera, not the real Y axis (which rotated when i rotated around the X axis the first time). How do I rotate around the Y axis that I want ?


[This message has been edited by nexusone (edited 06-24-2003).]