Direction of the light

Hi folks…i was just wonderingif we could specify a direction for the light. You know a table lamp is diferent from a flashlight, and it could be useful to spot and change the divergence of the light beam. How can i specify this?

look at the paramaters for glLight on this page

:smiley: This is easy :smiley:
A directional light has a “W” value of 0 (0.0f), a positional has anything <u>BUT</u> 0. Like this:

GLfloat direction_Light[]={0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0};


This creates a light pointing in the vector (0.0,1.0,0.0). I hope that works!

I thought [u] was enabled! :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh Well!

Change to that function, it’s actually


Actually, i think that what i needed was the GL_SPOT_CUTOFF and GL_SPOT_DIRECTION… then i can simulate a table lamp :stuck_out_tongue: thanks folks