Need Help With Two Qustions

I’m kinda new to programming in OpenGL and was curious to one major problem. I often see in games and in the game that i am making that when you move far away from shapes that they begin to have horrible clipping with other shapes. I wonder if there is any way to fix this or any way to cover it up. Another question is a little easier. Is there a way to load all the files from a folder in a program… thanks

Hi, sounds like z fighting. You can cover it up with fog, or just not render stuff beyond a certain distance. For the second, look at the routines on

Old GLman

>>Hi, sounds like z fighting. You can cover it up with fog, or just not render stuff beyond a certain distance. For the second, look at the routines on<<

correct it is z fighting but the solutions wont help, check the faq for solutions eg moving the near clip frustum plane outwards