textures loading in c++

I think I am back to square one.
First, It would really help if someone could forward me an image loading file for c++ programs rather than c programs. Else there seems to be tons of complications.

I have my program coded in c++, and all i need to do is load texture to the ground.
Everytime I download some file that can upload texture…its in c, and gives me link errors.

I will really appreciate some help in this regard.

I just added a function used in a tutorial at gametutorials.com into my program and it works great. here is the link: (the first texture mapping lesson)

the function is called “CreateTexture”

did you add the files Init.cpp and main.h in your program.
And just used createTexture in your program?

Im using VC++.NET and already had my program made in Doc/View format. I just said “make new function” and made the creattecture function in my document class, making sure to also specify the variables too. dont have to include the whole source file, just make the function yourself.