Drawing Distances...

Hi, I’m aving another problem with my elliptical trajectory project…
I got good help last time, i was wondering if i could get some now…
The problem is, since im doing something that has to do with the trajectory of satellites, the distances are really big…
At the moment at I have 1 000 000 meters is 1 openGL unit, so, for example, the radius of earth is 6.370 units.

Now, my problem is, since i made it possible for the user to rotate around the earth, i noticed that if the trajectory is long enough, and you rotate the screen so the longest part is “into” the screen, part of the image disappears…it just blends into the black…thats including textures and points.

Same thing happens when I make a skybox too big…

Right now, my gluLookAt function is at :
gluLookAt(0,0, 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)

well, not EXACTLY that…i have variables in it for my camera rotation about the y axis…but my z is at at a max of 75…

and I noticed once i pass 110, nothing shows up…

i was wondering if it was possible to make it so the number can be be bigger then 110, so objects can be seen farther…

Pls keep in mind, everthing has to be scaled, angular velocity, GM, etc… equations can work out…

Thanx Alot!

[This message has been edited by Carlop (edited 04-19-2003).]

Check your projection call (ie glOrtho, gluPerspective, etc) and adjust the far clip plane to be farther out.

Heh…Oops…Its that simple, eh?

Though, Im sure Ill be back for other things