Scene enclosing Textured background

In order to add some realisme to a scene, I’m trying to the whole scene into a box. At the inside of this box I’m texturing nice scenes (by the way, created in terragen). The effect is quiet nice, except that the borders of the box are still visible. The different textures for every side perfectly match one to another, this can’t be the problem. Is there anyone who knows how to draw the box without actually drawing the edges of the box ? Or maybe a box isn’t the best idea to create this enclosed background and I should use a cylinder or sphere(might can really hard to put the right tex coordinates on a sphere).

I forget the settings, but this has been brought up before about sky box’s.
Do a search on “sky box” on here and the internet. There are a few tutors on it out there.

There is a texture setting that will remove the edges.

Originally posted by Thordev:
In order to add some realisme to a scene, I’m trying to the whole scene into a box. At the inside of this box I’m texturing nice scenes (by the way, created in terragen). The effect is quiet nice, except that the borders of the box are still visible. The different textures for every side perfectly match one to another, this can’t be the problem. Is there anyone who knows how to draw the box without actually drawing the edges of the box ? Or maybe a box isn’t the best idea to create this enclosed background and I should use a cylinder or sphere(might can really hard to put the right tex coordinates on a sphere).

Try setting the texture coordinates just inside the [0,0-1,1] range instead of exactly at 0.00 and 1.00.
Also try rendering with GL_CLAMP instead of GL_REPEAT for the GL_TEXTURE_WRAP modes.
Another thing is to use textures without an actual border (if you’re not already doing that).



like JML…

…I use the following which gets rid of the lines at the edges of my sky box:


Thanks all of you GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE did the job !