How to setup glut under linux

i have written a opengl programm under linux and if i compile the programm with

gcc program.c -o programm -|glut

i can´t compile it how to setup the glut headers und lib´s

greetz lordchaos

Originally posted by lordchaos:
[b]i have written a opengl programm under linux and if i compile the programm with

gcc program.c -o programm -|glut

i can´t compile it how to setup the glut headers und lib´s

greetz lordchaos[/b]

Is that -l or -| , it should be -l <- small L letter.

If that was not the error, do you have libglut and glut.h in your system ?

what error compiler write ?

Did you try -I/path/to/glut.h/ and -L/path/to/libglut/ ?


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