slow in slow out function

Anyone know what this means? Any examples?
biv :confused:

The ease-curve maybe? Such as the one used in Perlin noise to interpolate between two values? Perlin calls it the fade function:

float Fade( const float t ) { return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10); }

Perhaps if you would explain the problem in little more details instead of using riddles :wink:

right. I guess my question arose because I was reading a paper that references a slow in/slow out description of noise. To quote exactly . . .“we use a -possibly filtered- noise that is periodically switched on and off w/ slow-in and slow-out behavior. . .” I wasn’t sure what that meant. I imagined it meant something like the noise is accelerated from zero to a max value smoothly till a cutoff point and after this point it is decelerated smoothly to zero. For some reason, googling for this hasn’t provided any clarity so I thought I’d post here and maybe someone else could explain in simpler terms and even provide an example of a function that behaves in a “slow in/slow out” manner.

This is just a guess based on what’s already been said, but maybe “slow in/slow out” has to do with blending functions. Cubic Splines are drawn using in and out tangents and some blending functions that can cause a value to decrease smoothly when it begins to approach a value, then increase smoothly when it passes a value.

Do a search for: cubic splines, hermite splines, b spline, cubic blending, blending function.