Math is correct, but camera moves away!


I’m having a problem in moving my camera in a 3d world I created.

This is the init side of my moving function:

xCamera = 0; yCamera = 0; zCamera =  Z_POS;    // camera posn
    viewAngle = -90.0;   // along -z axis
    xStep = cosf(0.0174532925*(viewAngle));  // step distances
    zStep = sinf(0.0174532925*(viewAngle));
    xEye = xCamera + (LOOK_AT_DIST * xStep);   // look-at posn
    yEye = 0;
    zEye = zCamera + (LOOK_AT_DIST * zStep);

Then in my special function I call it move:

   if(key == GLUT_KEY_UP) {
        xCamera += xStep * SPEED;
        zCamera += zStep * SPEED;
   if(key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN) { 
        xCamera -= xStep * SPEED;
        zCamera -= zStep * SPEED;
   if(key == GLUT_KEY_LEFT) {
          viewAngle -= ANGLE_INCR;
          xStep = cosf(0.0174532925*(viewAngle));
          zStep = sinf(0.0174532925*(viewAngle));
   if(key == GLUT_KEY_RIGHT) {
          viewAngle += ANGLE_INCR;
          xStep = cosf(0.0174532925*(viewAngle));
          zStep = sinf(0.0174532925*(viewAngle));
   // new look at position
   xEye = xCamera + (xStep * LOOK_AT_DIST) ;
   zEye = zCamera + (zStep * LOOK_AT_DIST);

Everything works on JOGL, but now I moved all the code to openGL 2.0 on Windows 7 and the movement is in accurate at all.

I’m positive the math is correct.

This is my gluLookAt():
gluLookAt(xCamera, yCamera, zCamera,
xEye, yEye, zEye, 0,1,0);

I’m using a
Any help/comment will be appreciate it.

Thank you

void gluLookAt(	GLdouble  	eyeX,
 	GLdouble  	eyeY,
 	GLdouble  	eyeZ,
 	GLdouble  	centerX,
 	GLdouble  	centerY,
 	GLdouble  	centerZ,
 	GLdouble  	upX,
 	GLdouble  	upY,
 	GLdouble  	upZ);

You inverted the order of gluLookAt parameters. It is center, eye and up, not eye, center and up.