Weird result with unsigned char type


I wrote a very simple kernel that just copies the data from a source to a destination (e.g. image copy).

__kernel void copy_img(
__global unsigned char *src, 
__global unsigned char *dst, 
const int w
	int gid_x = get_global_id(0) ;
	int gid_y = get_global_id(1) ;
	int index = gid_x + gid_y * w ;
	dst[index] = src[index] ;

When I run this kernel with CPU (CL_DEVICE_CPU), it works well. However, the kernel above results in a weird result when it is run on GPU (CL_DEVICE_GPU). Most of the destination array is filled with garbage data…

An interesting thing is that the kernel work well when I changed the data type of destination array from ‘unsigned char *’ to ‘float *’ !!

__kernel void copy_img(
__global unsigned char *src, 
__global float *dst, 
const int w
	int gid_x = get_global_id(0) ;
	int gid_y = get_global_id(1) ;
	int index = gid_x + gid_y * w ;
	dst[index] = src[index] ;

This is very weird…
Is there anything I have to keep in my mind to work with unsigned char type ??

Thanks in advance.

What datatype are you actually working with? Are you working on an array of unsigned char or an array of float?

When you use char, each work-item only copies one byte at a time (sizeof(cl_uchar)==1). When using float, each work-item copies four bytes at a time (sizeof(cl_float)==4).

What datatype are you actually working with? Are you working on an array of unsigned char or an array of float?

Actually, my data is in unsigned char, a gray image with 8 bits per pixel. So my initial kernel function receives unsigned char array as arguments. When I changed the data type to float* in the kernel, I also changed the image data to a float array.

So there is no confusion in data type…

That could a bug in the OpenCL implementation you are using. Since it’s so easy to reproduce, why not reporting this bug to the vendor?