Mandelbrot zoom makes screen black after 0.1f zoom, how to fix it?

first this is my Fragment shader, i assume its the only code needed:

#version 330 core
out vec4 pixelColor;
in vec2 coord;
uniform sampler1D Pallet;

uniform float Zoom;
uniform vec2 Move;

uniform int MaxIterations;
void main()
    float   real  = (coord.x + Move.x) * Zoom; // adding Zoom
    float   imag  = (coord.y  + Move.y) * Zoom;
    float   Creal = real;  
    float   Cimag = imag;  
    float r2 = 0.0;
    float iter;
    for (iter = 0.0; iter < MaxIterations && r2 < 4.0; ++iter)
        float tempreal = real;
        real = (tempreal * tempreal) - (imag * imag) + Creal;
        imag = 2.0 * tempreal * imag + Cimag;
        r2   = (real * real) + (imag * imag);
    vec4 color;
    highp int iterint = int(iter);
    //color.y = (iter == MaxIterations ? 0.0 : iter) / 100.0;
    //color.xz = vec2(0.0f);
    color =  texture1D(Pallet, (iter == MaxIterations ? 0.0 : iter) / 100.0);
    pixelColor = vec4(, 1.0);

when zoom uniform reaches 0.1f my screen goes completely black ! And not my main problem but image moves towards middle when i zoom, and i don’t want it to, how can i fix that too?