Addition to Max Collada Export (exporting Specular maps)

at the top of the file under the line:

global all_scene_maps = #()

add the following line:

global all_scene_maps_types = #()

under the line:

global All_Xref_objects = #()

add the following two lines:

-- collada names for the map types
global maptypes = #("AMBIENT","DIFFUSE","SPECULAR","","","","TRANSPARENCY","","BUMP","","","")

In function Write_DAE_TEXTURE_LIBRARY after the line which reads:

format "		<texture id=\"%\" name=\"%\">
"  name_string  name_string  to:file_ptr

add this line:

maptype = maptypes[all_scene_maps_types[i]]

and alter the line below with ‘<param name=“DIFFUSE”’ to:

format ("			<param name=\""+maptype+"\" type=\"float3\" flow=\"OUT\"/>
") to:file_ptr

In the function Write_DAE_MATERIAL_LIBRARY, after the lines:

if ((isproperty this_mtl #diffusemap) and (this_mtl.diffusemap != undefined)) then
			local texture_name_string = (DAE_Element_Name this_mtl.diffusemap)
			format "<input semantic=\"TEXTURE\" source=\"#%\"/>
"  texture_name_string  to:file_ptr

add the following lines:

	if ((isproperty this_mtl #specularmap) and (this_mtl.specularmap!= undefined)) then
			local texture_name_string = (DAE_Element_Name this_mtl.specularmap)
			format "<input semantic=\"TEXTURE\" source=\"#%\"/>
"  texture_name_string  to:file_ptr
		if ((isproperty this_mtl #bumpmap) and (this_mtl.bumpmap!= undefined)) then
			map = this_mtl.bumpmap

			if ((classof map) == Normal_Bump) then
				map = map.normal_map
			local texture_name_string = (DAE_Element_Name map)
			format "<input semantic=\"TEXTURE\" source=\"#%\"/>
"  texture_name_string  to:file_ptr

In function Collect_Material_Maps change the for map to mat.maps loop to:

		for nmap = 1 to mat.maps.count do
			map = mat.maps[nmap]
			if (map != undefined) then
				-- if normal map get the normal map itself
				if ((classof map) == Normal_Bump) then
					map = map.normal_map
--				if ((finditem all_scene_maps map) == 0) then	-- don't add if already there
--				(
					if (hasproperty map #filename) then			-- this one references a file
						if ((finditem all_map_filenames map.filename) == 0) then -- we have not collected this one yet
							append all_map_filenames map.filename  --  collect it
					append all_scene_maps map  					-- add this map reference to the list
					append all_scene_maps_types nmap			-- add the type of this reference
--				)

You can now specify a map for the specular color of a material and it will be exported to Collada.

Also, You can use a Normal_Bump material in the bump channel of the material and it will export the normal map of the Normal_Bump as a ‘BUMP’ texture type in the Collada file.


I will do the modifications and test them. If everything works fine, I will post the new script.
